At Cobain's core: "Montage of Heck" lets us gaze upon a genius for a bit too long.

By the time it had crystallized into its final three-man lineup, Nirvana had absorbed the full spectrum of upstart rock: the Minneapolis sound of the Replacements and Hüsker Dü, the Boston post-punk Pixies' surf pop, Bad Brains' D.C. hardcore and so on. 
But the influenced would become the influential: Sometime during the one-term George H.W. Bush presidency, Nirvana's relatively small discography would be refracted into a legacy that continues today. Six years after his death, Rolling Stone named Cobain its Artist of the Decade. 

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Speaking up for victims: Documentary 'Mea Maxima Culpa' defines the reasons behind the Catholic church's sex abuse scandal.

It would be comforting to call the horrific violations recounted in "Mea Maxima Culpa" unthinkable.
But after decades of revelations about the epidemic of sexual abuse of minors in the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the ever-accompanying accounts of enabling church officials, a new documentary from Oscar winner Alex Gibney tracks the problem to its source.

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How a band was painted black: In HBO documentary "Crossfire Hurricane," the Rolling Stones go from fresh-faced kids to street fighting men.

Like its scholarly 1993 predecessor "25X5," "Crossfire" sets the stage for its violent rock journey with clips of the five overwhelmed youngsters fielding odd questions, juxtaposed nicely with harrowing escapes from hordes of someday-hippies in horn-rims. The slightly scruffy, baby-faced guys carrying their guitar cases over train tracks don't seem like they're the dangerous kids at all.

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